The Artist Collection No.3 features six new artworks from an incredible line-up of artistic and culinary talent including internationally-acclaimed television cook and food writer Nigella Lawson.

Joining the Food For Everyone cast alongside Nigella is Scott McComas-Williams (Ragazzi Pasta and Wine), Patti Chimkire (Mali Bakes), Jean-Paul El Tom (Baba’s Place), Boris Portnoy (Gray and Gray), and home-cook Charlotte Ree (author of Heartbake).

Each of the chefs’ recipes have been portrayed by artists Evi-O.Studio, Rose Goodchild, Beci Orpin, Rahma Soliman, Nicole Nelius and Eytan Messiah, into six new posters.

The Posters

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Nigella Lawson x Evi-O Studio

When you think of Nigella Lawson, you think of decadence, beauty, and elegance. An essence perfectly captured in her recipe for a dark and sumptuous chocolate cake and artist Evi-O’s interpretation of it.

Adorned with rose petals and pistachios, this isn’t your average chocolate cake. Evi-O has run wild with the rose motif — it bursts onto centre stage, coming off the edges of the poster with pistachios tumbling down onto the swirly, devilish chocolate cake below. 

Baba's Place x Rahma Soliman

Behind an unassuming roller door in industrial Sydney lives Baba’s Place. More than a restaurant, Baba’s Place is a tribute to the diaspora that shapes suburban Sydney. This recipe by head chef Jean-Paul El Tom evokes the joy of summer and the smell of bushy tomato trees growing in baba’s, yiayia’s or teta’s backyard. 

Emerging artist Rahma Soliman sought to capture a specific moment in time — the height of a summers’ day in her home country of Egypt. Hours spent outdoors until the heat of the day settles into your bones, carrying you into a still and sleepy afternoon. When you finally head home and retreat into coolness, Baba serves up tomatoes picked from the garden, arranged lovingly on their best plate on a table adorned with their best lace tablecloth. Life is good. 

Charlotte Ree x Nicole Nelius

A cloud-like cheesecake distilled into a sculptural stack of ingredients. This dreamy depiction is by artist Nicole Nelius whose take on Charlotte Ree’s Burnt Basque cheesecake is defined by contrast — a light and delicate composition, about to be transformed into a gloriously cracked and crinkled, deeply golden cheesecake. 

This is a special recipe from the pages of Charlotte Ree’s book Heartbake — a memoir of self-rediscovery through cooking alone. This poster conveys the solace of baking by yourself, and the anticipation of sharing your creation with people you love.

Ragazzi x Rose Goodchild

Using pointillism techniques, artist Rose Goodchild has depicted an artful gathering of ingredients, conjuring the anticipation of them being transformed into something truly memorable. 

This Italo-Spanish dish comes from chef-owner Scott McComas-Williams of Ragazzi, a romantic wine and pasta bar in Sydney. Scott was inspired by an Andalusian sauce that he fell in love with during his stint cheffing in the south of Spain — it’s been on the menu since day one and keeps finding its way back. 

Gray & Gray x Eytan Messiah

Hailing from Georgia, this wholesome dish is served as the centrepiece of a festive family meal. Artist Eytan Messiah looked to Georgian folklore for inspiration, and found it in ‘lurji supra’ — a traditional Georgian tablecloth that symbolises the cultural importance of feasting. 

Working on white ceramic tiles adorned with deep-blue glaze, Etyan has centred the key ingredients: the rooster, pomegranate, and walnut tree underneath the all important  ‘borjgali’, the Georgian symbol for the sun. 

This recipe is by Boris Portnoy, chef-owner of Gray and Gray Bread and Wine in Melbourne’s Northcote; a one-of-a-kind Georgian and Russian wine bar.

Mali Bakes x Beci Orpin

An ode to the joy of girlhood, artist Beci Orpin and Mali Bakes’ Patti Chimkire have come together for this portrait of a Matcha Chiffon Roll. It turns out that the artist and chef were mutually obsessed with each other’s work, so this is a serendipitous collaboration from two Melbourne-based creatives. 

At Mali Bakes, chef Patti Chimkire produces retro-inspired custom celebration cakes and cakes by-the-slice on weekends. The name ‘Mali’ is the Thai word for ‘jasmine’, a word that conjures sweet childhood memories for Patti that she channels into her creations. 

Artist Beci Orpin’s work celebrates women who create, in her signature application of colour, shape and optimism that has made her an Australian icon and industry legend. Here Beci has depicted the beautiful ingredients of the Matcha Chiffon Roll while also capturing the most essential element of the recipe, Patti herself.

1 poster = 10 meals donated