• Dinner

Osso Bucco with Parmigiano Polenta

  • 15 Minutes Prep
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  • 4-4.5 Hours Cooking Time
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  • Serves 6

Nothing says winter like a slow-cooked stew bubbling away on the stove for an afternoon.

This osso bucco is a humble dish that is disproportionately impressive in terms of effort versus flavour. While it’s not a technical dish, you will need plenty of time to let it cook slowly which makes it a satisfying weekend project. 

This recipe is a great alternative to a classic rosso ragu made with tomato, but here the warming flavours of sage and rosemary really shine through.

In our opinion, the parmigiano polenta is non-negotiable! Polenta is under-used in Australia but a staple of regional Italian fare. It works wonderfully here as a bed to soak up all the delicious sauce. Polenta is golden goodness. Never forget this.

Osso Bucco with Parmigiano Polenta


  • 1.5kg (about 5 pieces) veal Osso Buco
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • ½ cup each finely chopped rosemary and sage, plus extra to serve
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 carrot, finely diced
  • 2 fresh bay leaves
  • 100 gm butter, coarsely chopped
  • 200 ml dry white wine
  • 500 ml chicken stock (home made if you can!)
  • -----
  • 250 gm coarse yellow polenta
  • 750ml boiling water
  • 100 ml milk (not essential)
  • 50 gm butter (definitely essential)
  • 100 gm finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano


  1. Heat a decent splash of olive oil in a heavy-based pot or dutch oven over a medium-high heat. Cast iron is preferable, but not essential. Add your Osso Buco and cook for 6-7 minutes each side until golden and crisp (don’t get antsy and flip them before this). The marrow in the bone will start to emerge - this is what you want. Once fully browned, remove Osso Buco and place in a bowl.
  2. Reduce the heat to medium/low, add another splash of olive oil and then add your onion, carrot and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes and then add your sage, rosemary and bay leaf. Cook for another 5 mins or until lightly golden. You don’t want this to burn, so adjust your temperature accordingly.
  3. Add your Osso Buco back into the pot, and de-glaze the pot with 200ml of white wine. Stir to get all the brown/gold flavour off the base of your pot. Simmer for 2 mins on high heat, then add your stock. It should cover almost all of your Osso Buco. Pop the lid on, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for 4-4.5 hours.
  4. When your 4-4.5 hours are complete, remove the meat and turn your pot up to medium-high temperature to reduce your liquid to a thicker consistency. We’re about to cook the polenta. A note here - in between checking your polenta, start taking your meat off the bone and get it ready to throw back into the sauce right at the end so that it is hot at serving time. It should be tender and pull apart easily.
  5. Over low-medium heat, add your polenta to a pot with 500ml of boiling water and a pinch of salt. Stir and place the lid on, checking every couple of minutes. Make sure it doesn’t stick to the bottom of your pot by stirring it every now and then. After 6-8 minutes add your remaining 250 ml water and butter. Give it a stir every 2-3 mins and after 6-8 mins, if the consistency feels right, add your grated Parmigiano-Reggiano and whisk with a fork. It should be creamy, yet fluffy. Turn off the heat.
  6. At this point, stir the meat back through the sauce for 1 minute to warm through and coat in the delicious reduced sauce. If the sauce is not quite thick enough, turn your stove top to a high heat and simmer down some more (meanwhile, just keep your polenta covered).
  7. When this is done, take a decent spoon of polenta and place on the plate. Spoon over your Osso Buco and sauce ... you want the sauce to be slightly runny so that is forms a little mote on the outside, where the Polenta meets the plate. Dress with some sage, rosemary and a grating of Parmigiano.