Table Talk: Ben Shewry

Table Talk: Ben Shewry

Ben is the chef-owner of Attica, Australia's most highly regarded restaurant, and one of our collaborators in The Artist Collection No. 2. With a stream of accolades to his name, Ben is known for his creative ambition, ethical underpinnings, and a fervent dedication to using native Australian ingredients, championing them in a fine-dining setting.


Can you tell us about the Red Jelly Bean Ice Cream you chose for your Food For Everyone recipe poster?

I guess, for me, not everything in life has to have a deep meaning.  Jelly beans represent happiness.  Jelly bean ice cream represents double happiness.
We like to make it for birthday celebrations and, when placed amongst the seriousness of the menu at Attica, makes people beam.

Take us through a day on your plate.

5:30am - Filter coffee with a splash of milk
8:30am - Rye toast with cheddar, fried egg and Frank’s hot sauce
10:30am - Fruit. I love fruit so any fruit that is good
12pm - Generally a vegetable salad with lots of chunky vegetables, pickles, beans or rice and miso
4pm - A small taste of Attica staff meal (it's always amazing and I can't help myself)
9pm - Late dinner with Kylie, whatever we have at home, sometimes soup or salad or homemade pizza. I like to eat healthy-ish, it makes me feel good.

What do you like to cook for the people you love?

Bolognese and its big sibling, lasagne. Like Garfield, I'm a bit of a lasagne fiend.


If we were to peer into your pantry and fridge, what are 5 things we would always find?

A very high-quality bottle of vinegar. (The sort you cannot buy from the supermarket.)
Taco seasoning. (The sort that you can buy from the supermarket.)
Two pepper mills, one with black peppercorns and one with white peppercorns
Mucho Market Lane Coffee beans
Vincent Vegetarian Foods Vegan Fish Sauce


What are your favourite songs to cook to?

You can listen to my Attica playlist here:




Attica's Jelly Bean Ice Cream by Ben Shewry & Nadia Hernandez