Pour Over Filter Coffee with Market Lane
- 5 minutes
- 3 mins
- Makes 2 cups

- - pour over cone
- - pour over coffee filter papers
- - kettle, scales and timer
- - a jug to brew into
- - 30g coffee, medium grind
- - 500g water
- Start with at least ½ litre of fresh water and bring to the boil. While waiting for the water to boil, fold the paper filter along each seam, then open it and place inside the cone.
- Weigh and grind your coffee.
- Place the cone with filter paper on your jug. Pour some boiled water through to rinse the paper and warm the cone and jug. Once drained through, empty water from the jug into the sink.
- Put your ground coffee in the filter-lined cone. Place the cone on top of your jug, and then place the entire set-up on the scales and tare to zero.
- Start your timer and pour just enough boiling water to cover all the coffee, then leave the coffee to ‘bloom’ for about 30 seconds. You can bloom with about twice the weight of the coffee, so in this case, about 60-80g of water. This bloom period helps the coffee to de-gas and rearrange itself into an even bed, allowing for an even extraction.
- Pour the rest of your water slowly, in a circular motion. Aim to add all your water (500g in total) just after 2 minutes; your brew should finish trickling through by approximately 3 minutes.
- Give the brewed coffee a quick stir, and then pour and enjoy!