Very Delicious Garlicky Roast Potatoes

Very Delicious Garlicky Roast Potatoes

Author: Adriana Bradica

As we say, food is for everyone, and everyone loves roast potatoes. These spuds are easy to make, and parboiling them first makes them nice and fluffy on the inside.  If you’re a garlic lover like me, don’t let any recipe dictate how many cloves you add - go crazy,

Forming part of our Easter feast, you may want to get the potatoes going a little ahead of the whole baked fish in the oven to ensure they are crunchy and golden in time to serve together. Serve alongside our green bean radicchio salad.

Serves 4, as a side

  • 8 big(ish) waxy yellow potatoes, peeled

  • 6 garlic cloves, peeled

  • 2 handfuls parsley, leaves roughly chopped

  • Extra virgin olive oil 

  • Sea salt flakes

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, and bring a pot of water to the boil. Chop the potatoes into roughly 3cm pieces, popping into the boiling water along with a generous pinch of salt, and the garlic cloves. 

Par boil for 5 or so minutes, then strain, before giving the pot a bit of a shake up and down (with the lid on), to rough up the spuds a little. 

Transfer the potatoes and garlic cloves to a baking tray, dress generously with extra virgin olive oil and salt, and roast in the oven for about 40 minutes, or until golden brown. 

When ready to serve, toss your spuds together with chopped parsley and a sprinkle more olive oil if needed to bring together.